a group of people sitting on a bench outside

Who We Are

Page Release is a leading provider of news and insights serving the tech and innovation space. We share the latest information in technology, finance, and culture, while aiming to uncover innovations that will shape our lives and future.​

Our Values

  • Quality : For news to be meaningful to you, we believe the quality of information is important. This means continually enhancing our editorial standards, technology, and credibility of resources.
  • Perspective : We approach news from multiple perspectives, so that you can have an objective view of what’s happening in the world. Our role is to deliver information without pretense.
  • Connectedness : Through our audience and our partners we aim to create a community that can keep up with the fast paced changes being made in our world.
  • Innovation : We foster an environment where experimentation is welcome and new learnings emerge everyday.

Our Team

Picture of Cedric Gregory

Cedric Gregory


Picture of Wilson Peterson

Wilson Peterson


Picture of Andrea Cruz

Andrea Cruz


Picture of Katrina Matthews

Katrina Matthews


Picture of Toccara Jeffries

Toccara Jeffries


Picture of Billie Rowe

Billie Rowe


Picture of Gary Shaw

Gary Shaw


Picture of Essie Hale

Essie Hale


Picture of Clay Simon

Clay Simon
